Dr Anil Kumar PROAG (RMT), (RMP)India, Executive Director -

 Energy MEDICINE and Holistic Wellness Centre







 Dr anil Kumar Proag (Master PAM) Holistic Medicine.

Dr anil kumar PROAG

I am a Master Hypnotist and Spiritual Healer.

 I help people to heal themselves.


The body is very intelligent with 3 trillion cells to manage and care for.

I help people to get well quickly by FASILITATING and guiding them with 27 different therapies that I practice for the last 28 years and use it daily with my customers.


Do not look at your body for defects or lumps.  Your thoughts will create it.

Beliefs come from what other people, science, family, culture, friends tell. What if they are wrong? Your body has the amazing ability to naturally realign and heal itself, if you’d just give it some basic attention!

In contrast to "managing" your condition, energy medicine is about experiencing the mystery of your unfolding journey. Remote healing -It happens. Down through the ages it has happened. In every human culture it happens. If you are worried about cancer, it is one of the most efficient, affordable, effective ways to activate your healing process--to take whatever you are doing now to a higher level. I have had the preveledge to use DISTANCE HEALING 92000 times in the last 28 years.

Most of us do better at healing ourselves when we have help!     

Common mistakes cancer patients or any sick person make when receiving energy work or holistic medicine is they dont have FAITH and they do not BELIEVE. "There are two primary choices in life; to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them." 


aura photo in mauritius


    Over the past twenty eight years, Dr and Grand Master Anil K Proag has fasilitated healing for thousands of people here and abroad....  
    ........Helped many to successfully lose weight. 
      .......Reprograms the subconscious mind from being a smoker to a non-smoker and drugs addicts to forget if they had ever taken hard drugs.....  
      .......Helped many to overcome loneliness, insomnia, eliminate fear, depressions, suicides, phobias and stress.....  
        .......Teaches how to manage pain and anger .....  
        .......Asisted and guided many people to cure their unbelievable sickness or disease by helping them to heal their PAST LIVES. 
          .......Counseled and  Guided thousands of students through their studies and exams  
          .......Coaches, trains and advise people in their businesses and help them to become successful.  
            .......Stopped countless divorces and got people married who had lost hope to be married  
            .......Babies were born to couples who had given up to fate and destiny.   
              .......Divine Organ Transplants for people who has belief and faith in  Angels, Guides, Ancestors and Holy Spirits 

                mauritius hypnosis

                2012 batch of Academy of Hypnotic Arts, UK




                Past Life Regression (PLR) - Neuro Linguistic Programming(NLP)

                Emotional Freedom Tecniques(EFT) - Thougt Freedom Tecniques(TFT)

                Clinical Hypnotherapy(CH) - Life between lives(LBL)

                Divine Death Therapy(DDT) - Karma Cleansing(KC) - Chakra Balancing(CB)

                Ho'oponopono  -  Wasa Wasa Wasa(WWW) - Psychic Surgery(PS)

                Crystal Healing Therapy(CHT) - Reiki Healing Therapy(RHT)

                Divine Listening Therapy(DLT)

                A DATE WITH DESTINY


                1. Learn about your past lives or prior Reincarnations and who you were?          
                2. Resolve emotional, physical, mental and health issues                
                3. Receive guidance when making important decisions      
                4. Find out now why you are suffering so much in this life. What are the causes of these sufferings?            
                5. Why all your projects are delayed?            
                6. Why so much Financial failures and difficulties?            
                7. Why so much problems with children?            
                8. Why marriage is not working?           
                9. What caused the divorce?            
                10. Is there a CURSE in your family?       



                hypnosis in mauritiushypnosis

                Hypnosis and Clinical Hypnotherapy

                Recuring Pain, Deep Fear and Phobias, Child Abuse and Traumas,

                Uncurable Diseases, Addictions, Memory Failures,

                Reprogramming of the Subconcious Mind

                Hypnosis is a tool to help you correct many issues that normally cannot be dealt with. 


                 Are you Obese, Fat, Heavy, unable to Breathe, would you want to be slim?

                No Dieting - No Pills - No heavy or Strenuous Exercise

                Loose up to minimum 32 pounds or more PERMANENTLY



                • Do you struggle with your weight? 
                • Do you start a diet only to give up or go back to your old eating habits? 
                • Do you wish you could just lose naturally and keep it off? 
                • Is being overweight negatively influencing all areas of your life, limiting your self esteem andholding you back from living the life you want to live? 





                The International Reiki Institute / Advanced Energy Therapy Center


                Tuesday and Wednesday at Terre Rouge


                Thursday, Friday and Saturday at Curepipe

                9 am to 5 pm


                Reiki and EFT classes and healing sessions

                for more informations call on 6701837, 6751708 0r 2492177





                     EFT or (emotional freedom technique) Applies to all issues, including…. 

                  Blood Pressure   …  Relationship Issues       …Women’s Issues       …Children’s Issues

                …School, Sports and Sexual Performance Issues, Serious Diseases




                (From migraines to cancer)   Millions of people are settling for lives filled with quiet desperation, poor health and emotional baggage. They're STUCK accepting a lifestyle of  emotional trauma ,  chronic physical pain ,  compulsions and addictions , or perhaps just an  empty feeling inside  . 



                Advanced EFT practitioner Master Dr Anil Kumar Proag (PAM) student of the great Gary Craig, is giving free healing in the morning from 8.00 to 9.00 AM daily in his office at Curepipe and terre rouge, for the very poor.    

                For more info go to    www.eft-mauritius.com 


                yoda mauritius 


                Is weight your problem?

                Would you really want to slim and trim yourself?

                Are you happy in your body?

                No Dieting    -    No Pills    -   No heavy or Strenuous Exercise

                Loose up to minimum 32 pounds or more PERMANENTLY

                 anil proag

                I can REPROGRAM your Subconscious MIND 

                1. I can make you THIN, slim and beautiful and lose up to minimum 32 lbs. There will be 3 hours session each week for 32 weeks. No WORKOUT, no GYM and no BODY BUILDING.. No FASTING, no DIETING or STARVING... No MEDICATION, PILLS or CLINICS.  GUARANTEED.

                2. I can change your life for better, richer, healthier and more peacefully powerful in 7 sessions of 1 hour with hypnosis. EFT, and PLR    

                3. I can make you feel good, fearless and save you from suicidal behaviours with clinical hypnotherapy, EFT and TFT. 

                4. I can take all your PRESSURES, STRESS, and ANXIETY away in 3 sessions of Clinical Hypnosis.  

                5.   I can remove fear, panic attack, sickness and loss of memory during TESTS, EXAMS and interviews

                6. I can make you RICH, yes, very rich by FORMATTING your subconscious mind and removing the poverty program inculcated from childhood by family, friends and society.  

                7. I can make you sleep like a baby and stop snoring.  

                8.    I can make you very good at PUBLIC SPEAKING. 

                9. I can make your children stop bedwetting, crying, fighting and being aggressive permanently.  

                anil proag Master hypnotist

                10. I can make you stop smoking and drinking.  

                11. I can make you stop taking hard drugs in 6 months.  

                12. I can make your married life better and happier.  

                13. I can help you prepare your mind and body to have a beautiful baby if you are medically fit to get pregnant and conceive.  

                14. I can mend your broken heart and fill it with love or get you married.  

                15. I can take you back to many of your PAST LIVES to learn why you are suffering or not being cured of diseases.  

                16. I can find the cause and cure of any CURSE, JINX or SPELL in your life or of your family from going into your past lives and and getting healed accordingly.  

                forgive mauritius

                17. I can help you become smarter, hardworking and very productive at your job or business.  

                18.  Rashes, bumps, acne and pimples.  I can get you released from most of these conditions.  

                19.     Headaches, backaches, neck pains, flu-like symptoms (this is called vibrational flu), digestive problems, muscular spasms or cramps, racing heartbeat, chest pains, changes in sexual desire, numbness or pain in the limbs, and involuntary vocalizations or bodily movements can be healed. Some of us have even had old conditions from childhood reappear briefly for healing. Consult your doctor and then come to me with your medical report.  

                20. I can make you look YOUNGER, clear emotional issues and release limiting beliefs and heavy baggage from the past, you are actually lighter. Your frequency is higher. You love yourself and life more. You begin to resemble the perfect you that you really are.  

                21. I can help you to come back to normal life after a near DEATH accidents or DIVORCE, change in job status, loss of home, illness, and/or other catastrophes -- sometimes several at once!  

                22.    I can help to remove INVISIBLE PRESENCES that some people report feeling surrounded by at night or having the sensation of being touched or talked to. Often they will wake with a start. Some also feel their body orb vibrate.  

                23. I can help you get in Contact with angels, spirit guides, and other divine entities.   

                24. I can help you to stop falling, having accidents and breaking bones over and over again.    

                25. I PRACTICE MORE THAN 27 THERAPIES. HAVE COSULTED MORE THAN 50000 PEOPLE IN THE LAST 28 YEARS. I am the very best at what I do. I have a passion for my work and get lots of pleasure when people report their successes. 

                please click below to my other websites

                www.proag-reiki.com  www.reiki-pregnancy.com


                www.proag-astrology.com  www.eft-mauritius.com  www.fat-slim.com




                 akproag@intnet.mu      aproag@intnet.mu


                About Dr Anil  K Proag

                Two NDE’S (Near Death Experience) and Multiple (exactly 11) Heart Attacks Survivor, Dr Anil Proag offers Free and Paid Seminars, Training, Coaching and Workshops. Master Hypnotist; Peak Performance Sports Trainer and Consultant to Top Management Executives; Near Death Accident Victims and Rape Traumas Victims Therapist; Fears and Phobias Psychotherapist; Marriage and Relationships Counsellor; Professional Astrologer; Students Counsellor and Therapists; Grand Reiki Master, EFT, TFT, LBL, PLR, NLP and Hypnosis Teacher; Shaman and Quantum Touch Healer; Psychic Surgeon, Energy Healer, Aura Photography, Aura Harmonizing, Karmic Cleansing and chakra Balancing Therapist; Obesity Healer and Weight Loss Therapist; Celebrity Health Coach; Top Public Speaking Teacher; Anger and Pain Management Coach; Ho’oponopono and ‘Wasa Wasa Wasa’ Spiritual Healer.

                Free Therapeutic Life Changing Seminars

                B.A Economics and Political Science; M.A Counselling; Dr of Science degree in Complementary and Alternative Medicine; Doctor of Science Degree in Clinical Hypnotherapy; Grand Reiki Master; Master Hypnotist; 28 years’ experience, listened and consulted 1 to 1, more than 42,000 people. Dr Anil Proag is the Author of 4 books, was Editor and Publisher of various students digest, film magazines, and various weeklies and Newspapers in the 90’s. I have given Distance Healing to more than 92,000 people here and overseas in the last 28 years.